Skin Care Tips At Home
Today, I am sharing skincare tips at home that really work! I know this time of the year after the holidays, we're all looking for ways to refresh our skin! I know I am! Where we live in the northeast, these winter months are brutal for my skin and the cold can cause unnecessary dryness and dullness if you don't take care for your skin properly.
But you're in luck! Today, I'm sharing skincare tips at home that won't break your budget AND are also helpful all year round, no matter where you live!
Skincare Tips At Home - My Beauty Secrets
I have had a LOT of people ask me, "whats your beauty secret!?"
Well, if I've learned one very important thing from dealing with various health and hormone problems over the years, its this! -
Your outside will glow if you're inside is healthy!
These 5 things have drastically improved my skin!
- Drinking plenty of lemon water (adding lemons in your water helps clean your liver. A healthy liver will reflect directly on your skin's appearance. Adding a fresh squeezed lemon to your water in the morning is one of the best beauty tips you can add to your routine. You'll literally be able to SEE and FEEL the results)
- Getting Enough Rest (as part of my adrenal fatigue healing journey, I gave myself permission to take naps when needed and they really help. Whether you take a nap in the afternoon or can add an extra hour or two to your nigh time routine, sleep does work wonders for your body and skin.)
- Drinking celery juice! (I know its not fun to drink, but I went through a season where I had a couple of glasses of celery juice every day and I saw crazyyyyy results for my skin and overall wellbeing. Do your research, but there is a whole community out there that swears by this method for cleansing and I can personally say - it works!!)
- Balance your hormones (all of the other steps I mentioned before this step helped me significantly with balancing my hormones. But, there is one final piece of advice I'll give you if you struggle with hormonal acne or cystic acne like I did. Take Balance by Alani Nu. Currently I take this supplement every day as well as their prenatal, but I officially stopped breaking out and my mood felt so much more stabilized after starting the Balance supplement! While I'm not an affiliate for this company, I'd love to be, because I swear by their products! Definitely check out their website to learn more about why this pill works wonders. I was sold after I read all the reviews from girls that sounded just like me. Now I have their product on auto ship because I can't do without it!
- Good Skincare - Okay the last and final tip I have for you is watch what you put on your skin. And by this, I don't just mean facial products. Your shampoo and conditioner, body lotion, tanning lotion, perfume or body spray - all get absorbed into your skin and goes directly into your blood stream which then gives extra work for your liver who is already working hard keeping your blood pure from the toxic environment we live in. So, one way I've learned to lower my toxic load is to be aware of what's in the products I'm putting on face, hair and body because I'm always trying to protect my liver. For me, fragrance is one of the ingredients my body reacts to the most, so I've always opt for products with natural fragrance or no fragrance at all. The liver is truly the fountain of youth so if you can assist it in making its cleansing job easier, you'll turn back the clocks of time and stay looking healthy and young!
Skincare Tips for Oily Skin
If you're someone who struggles with oily skin, the most important skincare tip at home I can give you is this- STAY HYDRAED. I know this seems obvious, but too many people walk around dehydrated these days! Add lemon water to your life and see how that affects your skin! Try drinking at least 8 glasses a day of lemon water and watch your skin's health improve!
I've noticed after a day of running around and not drinking much water at all, that my skin becomes much more oilier that normal. Thats because the body is dehydrated and is sending oil to the surface to protect it from cracking from lack of fluids. Our body is truly amazing and does the best to support us - sometimes we just need to become in tune with what it needs!
While products definitely can help control oil, it's what you put IN your body that is playing the biggest role for oil production.
Another way you can stay hydrated is eat foods that are hydrating. Fruit is one of the best ways you can support your system if you're dealing with oily skin.
I've create a list of things to avoid and things to add to your diet to aid your body in hydrating from the inside which will then get rid of the excess oil on your skin.
Things to Avoid:
- Greasy fast foods like Mcdonalds
- Coffee
- Caffeinated teas
- Extra salty foods
- Not drinking enough hydrating fluids
- Not eating enough hydrating foods
Things to Add to Your Diet:
- Fruit - fruit is another one of my beauty secrets - I eat multiple servings of fruit a day. It is hydrating and nutricious!
- Lemon Water
- Nutritious juices
- Herbal Teas
- Celery Juice
Skincare Tips for Acne
If you're a normal human, you've probably had a pimple at least one time in your life. Whether you just deal with the occasional pimple or have full blown acne or cystic acne like I had, there is a solution for YOU!
I know how hopeless it feels when you're battling acne and you feel like you've tried EVERYTHING. It can definitely be very depressing and debilitating.
While I know everyone is very different with what their body needs, I will share what worked for me!
The first thing you'll want to do is follow my beauty secrets that I listed above! These were truly LIFE CHANGING for me!
Now if you really want to see fast results, I'd recommend making a few additional alterations to your lifestyle.
How I Healed My Acne
I cut out gluten, dairy, most meats, and only ate fish or seafood occasionally. I also cut out foods that were high in fats such as nuts, peanut butter, avacado and oils, because fats take extra long for your liver to process. Like I mentioned before, if your liver is bogged down by what you're eating or putting on your body, it wont be able to assist you very well in your fight against acne.
When I woke up, I'd drink lemon water. Then in 15 minutes I would drink my homemade celery juice. Throughout the day, I made homemade smoothies a lot, I snacked on fresh fruits and vegetables and ate as much as I wanted to until I felt full. I also ate fish sometimes whenever I felt like I needed a little extra proien. In the afternoon or evening, I'd also make myself another cup of homemade celery juice or other fresh juice. I did this every day for a week in addition to the new diet of fresh foods and low fat and I had NO NEW BREAKOUTS in the first time in forever. And my cystic acne was finally starting to heal!
I continued this for a month and I saw a DRASTIC difference in my skin and thats when people started to ask what I was doing differently. After a month or two of this diet, my skin was not only looking better but I was also feeling SO much better overall. I no longer was tired all the time or battling brain fog.
Now I did try and go back to eating gluten, dairy and meat again after month of this whole process, but the cystic acne came right back. I then realized my body needed to continue to cleanse, so I stuck with this fresh diet and did a year of intentional cleansing and really allowing my body to heal and reset.
I am SOOOOO thankful I can eat pizza, ice cream or donut when I want a treat and not have to deal with the debilitating acne that plagued my life before. I share all this with you because I now you can heal too!
It took some intentionality but it was worth it. While I was in the process of cleansing, I would remind myself - "you didn't get to this point overnight. So it will take some time to get yourself back to a healthy state."
Be patient and kind with yourself.
Your precious body does SO much for you, working hard to keep you healthy day and night, and it is most definitely is worth the time and investment to function the way it was designed!
I really hope these skincare tips at home inspired you to make healthy choices for your body and skin!
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